Friday, September 25, 2009

The First Amendment Under Seige

The White House has issued a "stern warning" to opponents of Obamacare. Are the American people beginning to wake up to the fact that the Obama administration is a Thugocracy? If we don't agree with the direction they are taking America, we are expected to shut up, bend over, and enjoy the ride. Have not the Tea Parties shown them they we won't stand (or bend over) for it? 

That's OK - the 2010 elections are next year, and I believe that as a result of the Obama Administration's rush to Socialism, big changes are coming.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Orwellian Audacity of Barack Hussein Obama

George Stephanopoulos quotes the dictionary definition of "Tax" and Obama has the audacity to use the definition as an indication that Steph has to "stretch" to call mandated insurance coverage a tax. (This is the Double-Speak of which Orwell wrote.) 

If you are forced by government to spend your money on something at the point of a gun, at the very least it's a tax. Truth be told, it's much more sinister than a mere tax: it is another direct assault on Freedom.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Democrat Consistency

Leave it to Democrats to live up to their own stereotype, especially in Massachusetts where they sent Ted Kennedy to Congress for 47 years, and now continue the fine tradition with a certifiable traitor, John Heinz-Kerry [Somebody tell me - Who let's their wife keep her late husband's name? Oh yeah, when she's a billionaire]. 

When Kerry ran for the Presidency in 2000, the Dems in Mass changed state law to prevent a Republican governor from appointing a Repub replacement for Kerry. Now that the tables are turned, the Dems want to change the law back, so that a Dem governor can appoint a Dem replacement for Kennedy. And as Dems are prone to do, they see nothing wrong., because it's all about power - they have it, and they're going to use it. The ends justify the means. And no surprise, John Heinz-Kerry thinks it's a swell idea.

You have to love them for consistency!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who's the Racist?

This is an amusing 
(I mean, really funny) dialog
I had on Facebook
over an article accusing Conservatives 
of opposing Obama because of Race. 

I have a great time showing the extremes to which some will go 
in order to foster racial animosity, a Saul Alinsky tactic. 
I point out Alinsky tactics along the way.

It begins with my response to the article...

Michael Mastro: "I've said it before, but I guess I have to say it again: I don't oppose Obama because he's black. I oppose him because of his policies. This article does nothing but attempt to enflame racial animosity. The writer should be ashamed."

BW: "Nonsense, the writer is spot on that the shills with said motivations are running the roost these days with your ("Tea") party, filled with Birthers, Freepers, and all other manner of so called "nationalists" who can't give two rational, original (and accurate) criticisms of Obama's policy to date. Scorched Earth indeed."

So first he boils it all down to "nationalists," 
alluding to Nationalists. You know, Nazis.
And he adds a clever use of Hitler's tactic of "Scorched Earth."

Michael Mastro: "The "Birthers and Freepers" (?) are merely distractions from what Conservatives oppose - Obama's Economic policies; His health care policy; the fact that he surrounds himself with a variety of radical leftists; his ACORN connection... Do I need to add more? Having said that, I contend that anyone who supports Obama simply because of the color of his skin, is by definition a Racist."

Here BW stops addressing the point of the thread...

BW: "You're proving my points. I've only seen parrotted speaking points as policy criticism. You only missed using the "S" word, basically."

Saul Alinsky tactic here: 
Completely dismiss my words, and if I had called Obama a Socialist, 
I would have been completely dismissed.
And he goes on...

"Where were all of the small gov protesters when the size of the federal government grew and Federal spending increased at the fastest rate in 30 yrs? Where was the outrage over RealID and uncle Sam spying on your phone calls?"

More Alinsky tactics:
Turn it around, and make you enemy live up to his own rules,
that is, make it about Conservatives' shortcomings.
Then, go on about anything other than the subject at hand...

"The current admin did as well of a job as anyone emergency landing this economy. Letting too many banks fail wasn't an option, although I wouldn't have minded more Darwinism on the automotive front. (Darwinism...heh...)"

He starts by praising Obama policies, and ends with a blatant insult.
And then the Kool-Aid kicks in...

"I've seen at most ~1.5 valid HC policy criticisms which the loudest opposition- (much to my chagrin) doesn't grasp. It may not be perfect, but 80% of its opponents are flat out stooges. (Reminds me of 'Joe the Plumber' who (before he hopped tax brackets via his speaking(!!) tour engagements) would have benefited from Obama's taxation plan.). Follow the money."

He makes arbitrary statements,
dismisses 80% of Obama's opponents with insults,
and then accuses us of not understanding Obama's tax cuts!
I love it!

After a potty-break, he gets adolescent on me...

"Cont'd: I'm sorry, but I'm rolling my eyes at the "radical leftist" comment because it's pretty weak. About 40% of both sides' conspiracist fringe signed that 9/11 Truth petition too... "

Alinsky tactic: 
Marginalize your enemy by making him look foolish.
He equates my position that Obama is a Radical Leftist, 
with that of Conspiratorial Fanatics. 

"ACORN of late is a blight but a red herring as it applies to the work at hand. I get it - guilt by association, but Obama has been proven clean time and time again. What else?"

Another Alinsky tactic:
Minimize and dismiss your own crimes. 
Crimes that they would crucify Conservatives for.
My turn...

Michael Mastro: "What you choose to ignore is the following: Obama's mother was a Marxist; his father was a Marxist; all his favorite professors are Marxists; he began his political career in the home of an admitted Communist Terrorist; he spent 20 years in the church of a racist anti-American; he appoints radical leftists (Socialists and Communists) to his administration. If you can't connect the dots, I don't know what to tell you, so keep rolling your eyes. And I always find it both amusing and pathetic when racists use the race card."

Right on cue, he goes over the edge, and gets in my face...

BW: "Mastro - I'm sick and tired of people being sick and tired of the race issue. Your generation has completely lost track of what's racist anymore, and I'm really concerned whether it's pernicious or just ignorant."

Again - Turn it on me, make it about my "loosing track,"
and all the while dangling... the Race Card!
And this time, even if I'm not a Racist (pernicious), it's still an insult (ignorant)!
And BW trips on in superiority...

"Ayers- connections debunked and discredited, Wright- a freaking war hero who earned his right to criticize - again with no material ties or provable influence on policy. There's a psychological condition to describe the making of connections where there aren't any.. I wouldn't have expected you to read Obama's book, but you'd clearly be in denial to assert what you did after doing so."

While he gains speed in dismissing the dots to be connected, 
he starts to lose the ability to complete sentences,
and forgets the psychological condition he was going to diagnose me with.
But he is consistent in turning it on me, and this time, with multiple blatant insults! 
Thanks, big time, Saul.
But he's not finished and it gets fun...

"It's the same old Fear Uncertainty & Doubt with a different shade of lipstick." 

If you analyze that sentence, it's a direct insult, with a lipstick reference to Sarah Palin. 
Thank you for that, BW! I like Sarah. But I bet you already knew that.

"There's no negotiating with your philosophy, and it's the most dangerous and counterproductive approach to politico-social discourse I've ever seen in my short 35 years of living and studying."

And yet, again, he makes it all my fault.
Now, I'm just, plain having fun!

Michael Mastro: "This reminds me of a priest who once told me that denying that I am a racist, proves that I'm a racist. Orwellian, isn't it. I never said that Wright doesn't have the right to spew his hatred and anti-Americanism. I was pointing out that the President spent 20 years absorbing that hatred and anti-Americanism. And to what "same old Fear Uncertainty & Doubt" are you referring? What am I supposedly afraid of? Uncertain of? What do I doubt? I'd really like to know. Or would you rather dismiss reasonable questions.  

"What it looks like: Fanning the flames of racial animosity."

Gang of Six Thieves

Appearing as the lone member of the Gang Of Six, Senator Max Bacchus used the Moral Card to force health care destruction down our throats. My first reaction was: How dare he! Senator Bacchus: "What is Moral about the Government raising taxes, cutting Medicare, and adding to the National Debt?" 

I call myself a Christian, and as such, am obligated to help those less fortunate than myself. That is called Charity, and it is rooted in my conscience decision to give or not give. The idea of the government taking my earnings, and acting as the vehicle for charity is anything but charity. It is theft.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Rights?

Any supposed "Right" that I have ends at my neighbor's door. I wouldn't go to my neighbor demanding money for my "Right" and I don't want the government to have that power.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Freedom First Stop Socialism

This is my first blog, and I'm here for one reason and one reason only: to stop socialism.

My father was a pharmacist, and when Medicare passed he said to me "This is the beginning of the end of medical care in America. This is socialism and it's all down hill from here." It took me a long time to get it, and by that time Medicare was approaching bankruptcy. Which is almost a mis-statement, because there really is no fund to go bankrupt. They're just finally reaching the point where more people are taking than being taken from.

"Eventually socialists run out of other people's money."
Margaret Thatcher